
We are a community based group with an interest in conserving and improving our beautiful local park, Winton Park. We wish to keep the park a safe, stimulating and pleasant green space to be enjoyed by all. We are constantly looking for fresh new ideas for park improvements and park events. Please get involved and come along to any of our meetings. After all, it is your local park!

Saturday 19 February 2011

Welcome to the new Friends of Winton Park blog. We've been busy since relaunching in July with new committee members joining, including a new Chairperson, Monica, and Secretary, Cara. Events held so far are 'Blooming Marvellous' where we planted bulbs with local children, the carol singing at Christmas with Eccles Brass Band and planting shrubs. We are always keen to hold more events and over the next couple of months we will be busy planning and working alongside our brilliant Ranger, Jess, to carry these out. If you have any suggestions or want to join us please come along to our meetings or leave a comment. You can also email us at friendsofwintonpark@hotmail.co.uk.